Tight control of reproductive function is
essential for optimal performance on the farm. This control will allow to
establish the different batches of cows and heifers, based on their reproductive
status, what will determine in turn management and nutrition. The manual and ultrasound scan are essential for this purpose.
A well-managed farm cannot accept that a high
rate of cows calve every year. What is important is that the vast
majority of the farm's cows have a calving interval of not more than 365 days.
Otherwise, you should think you have a health or management problem, wich as a result, leads
to economic losses.
In extensive cattle AI becomes increasingly
important. No matter if we do it estrus seen, or through synchronization with
IUDs, implants, GPG, etc., it is very important to confirm the result to
protect genetic and economic investment which involves the insemination.